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Double sided door draft stoppers, perfect to save energy and also to keep noise, smells and insects out.


PLEASE NOTE: in order to be a good fit for these doors these excluders need to be about two cm (three quarters of an inch) shorter than the actual door to allow movement on the hinges side and for closing properly also. Please measure with care.


The two tubes are about 5cm in diameter.


For standard thickness doors (3.5cm).


Filled with snug fluff.


Save up to 30% on your heating bill!


This is great for anyone who is eco-friendly, wants to save energy and make a home more cozy.


Check out the full range:


All over the world the concern for energy efficiency is growing.


So at Scandalo al Sole we want to do our part to save resources.

Therefore we have devised a range of bespoke door snakes for all homes. We chose fabrics to suit the taste of all men and women who want to live a more sustainable life.


All draughty houses would benefit from adding some excluders. So treat your doors and windows to a bit of tender loving care.


Our range of homeware is stylish in an under stated way. If you want to start saving on heating, look no further, get a scandalo al sole door snake.


As well as protecting you from cold air, these door draft blockers will keep nasty smells and noises out at the same time adding a soft touch to any room. Bespoke doors and windows insulation with style.


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Under door double draught excluder, Grey double sided noise and smell stopper uk

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